Is ADD Different In Children?

ADD in children is particularly heartbreaking because those children have a hard time just things normal kids should be able to do. They can’t concentrate, which means they struggle to complete assignments in school and they often fall behind. They have a hard time sitting still as well so they can often become a problem for their teachers even when they don’t mean to. ADD in children is tough for everyone involved to deal with but there are ways to cope with it.

What Is Add in Children?

ADD stands for Attention Deficit Disorder. It’s a developmental disorder that is believed to affect 3 to 5% of children globally. Typically, symptoms of ADD begin before age 7 and can continue far into adulthood.

Recognizing The Signs Of ADD In Children

In children, ADD manifests itself in different ways. However, there are two kinds of symptoms you should watch for if you’re looking for ADD in children: impulsiveness and difficulty concentrating. All children are impulsive from time to time and most kids go through days where they have a very time concentrating. But in children with ADD, these symptoms continue on for very long periods of time.

With ADD in children, a child will have an ongoing problem maintaining concentration about anything. They will have a hard time completing assignments on time or at all not because they don’t want to but because they are actually unable to. It’s very difficult to get them to just sit and finish an assignment.

Another hallmark of ADD in children is their inability to sit still. Not only does this tie in with their inability to complete schoolwork, it also affects the children around them because they will often draw others in because they are bored and want to do something fun. All of these things are benchmarks for ADD in children. If a child exhibits these kinds of symptoms they probably have ADD and will require treatment for it.

Coping With ADD In Children

Luckily, while ADD in children has become more common there have also been many breakthroughs in treatment for it.

Most doctors will prefer to start with behavioral modification techniques before they prescribe medication. These therapies are effective when dealing with ADD in children because they teach a child how to cope with their own illnesses. The treatment includes teaching a child how to control their impulses so they can finish assignments and listen in class. They also teach parents how to intervene and help their child cope with ADD.

What Are The ADD Symptoms?

ADD, or Attention Deficit Disorder, is becoming increasingly common not just in the United States but all across the world. In fact, 3 to 5% of the world’s children are affected by ADD. And that doesn’t include the amount of adults who are currently living with the disorder as well. If you think you have ADD, see if your symptoms match up and then see a doctor to see if you’re right.

What Is ADD?

Put simply, ADD is a psychiatric disorder that is usually characterized by a very persistent pattern of inattention and impulsiveness. If someone from ADD also suffers from hyperactivity, they are diagnosed with ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. Most people think of ADD as a disorder only children have but in truth more and more adults are being diagnosed with it.

What Are The Symptoms Of ADD?

Unlike some diseases, the symptoms of ADD aren’t physical symptoms. Instead, people who have ADD suffer from inattention problems, impulsivity problems and hyperactivity problems. These ADD symptoms can be a bit hard to pin down at first because it’s confusing to determine when someone is just having a hard time concentrating one day or just felt particularly impulsive for a brief period. However, if these types of things persist for a period of time instead of going away, that’s when they become symptoms of ADD instead of just being one of life’s quirks.

But how do you recognize if concentration problems are a symptom of ADD? Well, people with ADD don’t just have a small problem concentrating – it’s actually extremely difficult for them to concentrate for any period of time on anything. “Zoning out” is a common symptom of ADD, for instance. They have trouble finishing tasks and may in fact have several tasks begun at the same time. However, they will then be unable to complete those projects. They also have severe problems with organization – their living spaces are usually very messy. They may also have problems completing large projects because they have very big problems with procrastination.

And what about the impulsive symptoms of ADD? How do you define those? Well, that area’s a bit grayer but there are a few guidelines. People suffering from ADD symptoms have a habit of making all kinds of decisions – both large and small – “on a whim” without putting any real thought into it. They also have a hard time listening to friends when they warn them that they are being impulsive. They also have problems following conversations because they have a habit of interrupting others.

If you believe you have the symptoms of ADD, see a doctor who will be able to give you treatment for your ADD!

What’s In Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Medication?

What do we know about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder medication that is recommended by physicians for children of parents to help keep their sanity? Not much is the answer. The main ingredient in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder medication is amphetamine, which we know very well, is a upper or a stimulant, so the concept totally contradicts what we are wanting to achieve. With the addition of other chemicals this neurological issue can be halfway a stimulant and the other half a downer, which is the one, most parents are looking for.
Emotional Roundabout
Unfortunately with most people, majority males, who suffer from add, depression and anxiety including mood swings, having high and low moments seems common, so there we can understand why these ingredients have been added in the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder medication, just as with bipolar medication both highs and lows are treated in one medication.
Wits End For Parents And Teachers
Some parents, who are at their wits end, could possibly just feel like they want to put their child on a treadmill, like a hamster on a wheel so it can get exhausted, and finally go to sleep. A magic tranquility pill is what is needed some days for some parents or teachers who have to deal with busy body children who just don’t want to listen due to their short attention span, who stay up later than usual during the week who therefore also daydream more than usual in class, disrupt the class and never seem to complete tasks on time. For some parents bed-wetting is also a part of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and the attention deficit hyperactivity medication can put a stop to this, if not there could be the underlying problem of constant anxiety, which is also common. If soothing your child about their anxieties does not work in conjunction with the attention deficit hyperactivity medication your child may have a urinal problem for which other treatment needs to be sought.
Misconceptions About Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Medication Understood!
For those who don’t quite understand attention deficit disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which is one and the same thing. What it actually is, is a slight brain malfunction as the messages don’t always seem to get across where they need to be.  As the person gets older the situation, is brought more under control with education and guidance, but yet cannot be cured. With these life-skill tools a healthy, prosperous and fruitful life can be lived without medication but with a healthy wholesome diet.

Attention Deficit Disorder Help And Medication – Alternative Methods

Yes, there are alternative methods for attention deficit disorder help and medication. While the average person, who does not know or understand how it may feel to need to have a constant change of experience or scenery in front of them, alternative methods for attention deficit disorder help and medication without a doctor could seem impossible. Call it what you wish, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder medication too is another term used for attention deficit disorder help and medication. Same thing, just spelled differently.
Alternative Diet And Activities Vs. Attention Deficit Disorder Help And Medication
While changing your daily diet and your daily activities, to either stimulate your brain or tire your body out, for those that don’t comprehend or live in your body attention deficit disorder help and medication is all that is needed in their opinion. Over time parents try and get their children off the medication and with the right guidance and diet it can be a better and healthier lifestyle for them in the long run. With all the preservatives in everyday food stuff it is no wonder there is a battle trying to find which foods actually boost the hyperactivity more or not.
Preservatives Mostly Blamed For Attention Deficit Disorder
Since most foods are preserved with tartrazine and benzoic acid, these are just two ingredients that are recommended to stay clear of which are food preservatives. While if you actually considered it, the GI factor in foods could also have a role to play, even if it is healthy wholesome fresh organic food. We can be sure that tests will either be done or tests are being currently done to see if this factor plays a part with attention deficit disorder help and medication.
Having ADD or ADHD is a possible lifelong issue, but thankfully you cannot run on full steam forever. Your body will tell you eventually when to rest, and if you are depressed and have your mood swings, just force yourself to enjoy the rest your body requires to recover before your next bout of hyperactivity.
Comprehending ADD
So for those who don’t quite comprehend how much energy is used up in a day, try and stay in competition with someone who is hyperactive, the same age as you, by doing some techno dancing to see how long you last compared to them. Being hyperactive is not the same as being agitated or pacing waiting on something, but like a fizzing energy that needs to be released. Concentration is short, temperament too while you get easily agitated, waiting eagerly to release that energy.

Adult Attention Deficit Disorder Medication – Only Dosage Varies For Children

The Hyperactive Adult
Imagine a grown up behaving continuously like a child, getting up to mischief, never sitting still and probably moody too. For some adults seeing other adults bouncing around all day with so much energy to launch a rocket could be bothersome. While some may think adults with ADD and or ADHD may be on some form of drug to make them hyper, it quickly seems to contradict the medication as some of the chemicals in drugs for children and adult attention deficit disorder medication is amphetamines, which we know is an upper, a stimulant.

Now the question would be why would such a drug be used in children and adult attention deficit disorder medication? We are not the scientists who have tested the drug combined with others, to know that it works is all that we want to know and care about. Something to make that bouncing bean slow down for a bit or even just stop and rest for a while, while we catch our breathe trying to watch them go on for hours and hours at a time. Well apparently it has to do with sending messages to the brain, since ADD and ADHD is a neurological issue on its own.
Adults Have Learnt And Acquired Tools To Succeed By The Help Of Adult Attention Deficit Disorder Medication
Even if the child or adult attention deficit disorder medication is no longer needed or desired to be taken, the diet should be one that is carefully planned in order to not boost the energy levels beyond control again. Depression can also set in easily once off any medication and therefore attention deficit disorder help and medication should always be available, although the affects of the medication is not immediate.
Since the overall symptoms are the same for children and adults, the dosage of adult attention deficit disorder medication could be higher. While tests are still being done about a slow release patch for children and adult attention deficit disorder medication, the final results have not yet been released. There is no cure for ADD or ADHD, but with proper guidance and child and adult attention deficit disorder medication, these people can live fruitful lives and not be outcasts of society just because of their unexplained radical unacceptable behavior.
Most of the problems that children have, adults have too, so there is nothing to separate the age gap except some better tools that have been learned and acquired by the adult on how to handle the situation better. A young child needs to be taught these things about finding ways of releasing their energies positively, thereby learning new skills that can only improve their own lives later on in life.

Things an Attention Deficit Disorder Treatment Center Can Offer You

Attention deficit disorder is definitely more than just a hyper child running around. This condition affects people of all ages and backgrounds and can be incredibly difficult to deal with. If you do not seek treatment for the condition, everything from your personal relationships to your work and school performance could definitely suffer. This is why it is so important to seek treatment as quickly as possible. This really will help you at the end of the day. One place to consider visiting is an attention deficit disorder treatment center. Here, you can definitely get the resources, support, and information you need to deal with this condition and lead a full and happy life. The following are just some of the many things a attention deficit disorder treatment center can offer you.

Information About Attention Deficit Disorder Treatment Center

One of the best things about an attention deficit disorder treatment center is that you can get information about everything from the condition itself to your options when it comes to attention deficit disorder medication. Once you know how this condition works, it makes it that much easier to grapple with. Additionally, here, you can really think about the kind of treatment you want to pursue. An attention deficit disorder treatment center has experts on hand to talk to you about each kind of treatment, its effects, and whether or not it is right for your situation and life.

Support From Attention Deficit Disorder Treatment Center

One of the best reasons to visit an attention deficit disorder treatment center is that you can find other people who have the condition and share tips, ideas, and information about your lives with one another. This can definitely make you feel as if you are not alone with this. Some people really have a hard time when they are first diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, and thus, going to an attention deficit disorder treatment center is an important piece of dealing both with the condition and with the news. Some attention deficit disorder treatment centers even have regular support groups that meet once or more a week. Here, people can talk about what it is like to have this condition, how it affects them, and how they live a normal and full life even when grappling with attention deficit disorder. Talking about this condition and comparing notes at an attention deficit disorder treatment center is an important way to learn how to live with the condition.

Adult Attention Deficit Disorder Treatment Options

When people think about attention deficit disorder, they often think of young children. However, what many people do not know is that adults can be diagnosed with this condition too. Sometimes the issue was apparent since childhood and went undiagnosed and sometimes an adult will experience this condition later in life. Thankfully, no matter your age, there is treatment for adult attention deficit disorder. You can do everything form take traditional medicines to try your hand at some natural attention deficit disorder treatments. With enough time and experimentation, you are sure to find the right form of treatment for you and your life. The following are just some of the possible options when it comes time to choose which adult attention deficit disorder treatment is right for you.

Stimulant and Non-Stimulant Drugs Used As Adult Attention Deficit Disorder Treatment

One of the most commonly used treatments for adult attention deficit disorder are stimulant and non-stimulant manmade drugs. Strattera (atomoxetine) is a common non-stimulant that has been proven to help folks with this condition. Ritalin, Adderall, and amphetamines are other common stimulant drugs used for treatment of adult attention deficit disorder. However, if you have hypertension or heart issues, you may want to steer clear of these drugs because they can speed up the heart. The doses of these drugs will need to be carefully monitored since there are some intense side effects involved.

Antidepressants And Its Role In Adult Attention Deficit Disorder Treatment

Another common form of treatment for adult attention deficit disorder are antidepressants. These drugs have been known to balance out an adult’s hormones and to help them cope with some of the mood effects of the disorder. Common drugs for treatment of adult attention deficit disorder include Elavil, Proxac, Paxil, and Tofranil. Often, a doctor will try these drugs as a precaution, temporarily, or when paired with stimulants or with environmental and behavior treatment methods.

Environmental and Behavioral

A natural way to deal with treatments for adult attention deficit disorder is to focus on the environmental and behavioral aspects of the adult’s life. Such techniques can allow an adult with the disorder to function without medication or with lower doses. For example, it can help to remove processed sugar and coffee from an adult’s diet. Additionally, having something like a stress ball, rubber band on the wrist, and asking for a desk with fewer distractions can lead to successful outcomes. These techniques can be used alone or in combination with drugs. Often, once a person knows how to deal with their surroundings and their condition, they will need less drugs over time.

Types of Treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder in Children

There are attention deficit disorder treatments for adults and for children. When a person has been diagnosed as having ADD, then he will need to start to explore what type of treatment option is best for him to use. When it is a child, then the parents have to explore with the physician what the best treatment for attention deficit disorder might be best for their child. Child attention deficit disorder treatment will usually use a combination of medication, coping skills and special education plans to help the child be successful in the school setting. Treatment for attention deficit disorder in children has changed a lot through the years, since in the past it was either ignored as a disorder, or it was treated with the only drug on the market at the time for the disorder which had strong side effects with its use.

Behavior Vs. Treatment for attention deficit disorder in children

Getting a special education plan for a part of the treatment for attention deficit disorder in children is one of the first steps that parents will often take after the diagnosis has been made. The teachers are usually aware by this time that the child was being tested since they will have had to fill out some questionnaires about the child’s behavior in their class rooms. A special education plan is usually fairly simple, laying out the different strategies that the teachers will utilize to help the child to be successful. Often this treatment for attention deficit disorder in children will involve certain seating arrangements to help eliminate distractions, creating a ‘buddy’ system with another student in the class so that the child can remember to write down assignments and other important things. The teacher will also use other strategies to refocus the child when he is daydreaming or will allow times when the child can move around without getting in trouble or distracting other students.

Another treatment for attention deficit disorder in children is examining the underlying causes for the disorder. Sometimes there are allergies that can affect the child in ways that cause the ADD. If the allergies are treated, often the symptoms will disappear or lessen as well. There are also behavioral treatments for attention deficit disorder in children such as vision therapy. Vision therapy helps children learn to focus on, track and then change focus on objects that are varying distances away from them. This enables them to focus more on their reading and writing as well as being able to change focus to the teacher when required.

Information on Attention Deficit Disorder Care and Treatment

There are different treatment options for attention deficit disorder in children. This disorder can manifest in different ways depending on the child. Sometimes the child can be very quiet in the classroom and seem to disappear into his or her own thoughts while the teacher is talking or when they are supposed to be doing their assignments. On the other side, the attention deficit disorder care and treatment has to also take into account the hyperactivity of the child, where the child has a lot of difficulty sitting still in the classroom, fidgeting around with different materials or getting up to walk around often, in addition to compulsive talking in some cases. All of these issues have to be taken into account when choosing attention deficit disorder care and treatment.

Medication or Not For Attention Deficit Disorder Care and Treatment

There is debate in attention deficit disorder care and treatment about the use of medication with children that have ADD. Medication can be very effective for some of these children, but there are also side effects that have to be dealt with as well. There are different ways that the medication can be taken, with some being on time release so that they can be taken once per day, and there are others that require that the child go to the nurse in the middle of the day to get another dose before the first runs out. The debate comes in the attention deficit disorder care and treatment when there are serious side effects. The most common side effect is a lack of appetite in the child. Lack of appetite can lead to weight loss and then lead to growth problems in the child. Another problem can be a personality change in the child where the child that was once vibrant and multi-leveled, now becomes flat affected on the medication. Each of these problems causes parents to pay special attention to the attention deficit disorder care and treatment options.

There are other attention deficit disorder care and treatment options that use behavior modification to achieve success in the child for overcoming the disorder. There are vision therapy options that help the child learn to focus and train his eyes on a person or object for longer periods of time and also to switch focus levels so that he can move from focusing on a paper to the teacher and back again without getting lost in the process. There are also some treatments that examine whether there are allergies that are the underlying reason for the ADD in some children.

How to Test For Attention Deficit Disorder – Before It Gets Out Of Hand

Looking for a means and how to test for attention deficit disorder will not take you that long. If you find that your child may seem disruptive in their class, this could be one of the many points to look at. How to test to attention deficit disorder cannot be tested via blood tests or a laboratory, but only by monitoring your child’s behavior.
How to Test For Attention Deficit Disorder : The Checklist
On the list of how to test for attention deficit disorder, one of the main traits to look for is lack of concentration. Having a short attention span could be quite frustrating for a teacher that doesn’t know how to deal with a pupil that has ADD or ADHD, to keep the class in order without disruptions. It is important for teachers also to learn of how to test for attention deficit disorder so this issue can be approached as early as possible with the parent before the child gets out of hand and getting into unnecessary trouble without knowing why, besides just getting bored in class. By knowing what signs to look for in a child, attention deficit disorder treatment can begin as early as possible. Treatment does not only consist of medication such as Ritalin, but could just be a change of lifestyle, which includes extra activities, and a change in diet.
As part of a teacher’s role, the testing for attention deficit disorder would include how long the child’s concentration span is. With a short attention span less learning is done and more disruption to the class is done. As part of the parent’s role of how to test for attention deficit disorder would include monitoring the foods that make them over active, and those that slow them down. Besides monitoring foods included on how to test for attention deficit disorder, it is also important to note if the child does not mix easily with other children.
Filling In The Gaps
For most parents, seeing to a hyper active child is generally exhausting. Parents try and fill the child’s days with short timed activities, and keeping up to their menu specifics can also be an expensive task at times. It is also difficult to get the child to mix or socialize with other children easily, and therefore have to find alternative ways for them to occupy and tire themselves out on their own. Being ADD or ADHD has its benefits, as these people who have this “neurological short circuit” tend to be better at multitasking later on in life than others.